Friday, October 26, 2012

Photos onto canvas

In a few easy steps and with a few items you can transfer any picture onto a canvas.  The items you will need are as follow: (canvas (I prefer 5x7 & 8x10) a brush (to apply gel medium) gel medium (Liquitex is what I use)spray bottle (water) and Laser print out any photo you choose onto paper.

Completely cover canvas with gel medium. Use a heavy coat.
Press the photo copy(image side down) onto the canvas and let dry for several hours or overnight.
(image will print reversed)
After your image is completely dry, use the spray bottle to wet the top of the paper.  Rub the paper with your finger until pieces of the paper start to come off and your image will be revealed.  This can take some patience and be a little messy.  (Don't rub too hard or you can remove your transfer).
Continue until all the paper is removed and the image is visible.  Cover your canvas with one more coat of the medium to seal and protect.

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